The Admin Team can assist with a variety of services and questions, and serves as a conduit to the central administrative offices within BWH/MGB including HR, Supply Chain, OSSVS, and GPS. Please see the following for the most common services. Please contact your lab group administrator for any inquiries you may have.
Reimbursement Requests:
Some employee expenses are eligible for reimbursement, including but not limited to travel costs for work-related conferences, lab equipment, software subscriptions, and business meals. Please contact your administrator to submit a reimbursement request, and for access to a copy of the BWH employee reimbursement policy.
ID Badges:
The Harvard Longwood ID Office is located within the Lobby area of the NRB Building, opposite from the cafeteria. Please contact your lab administrator for help related to Harvard and Brigham ID badges.
Lockers located on the 1st , 2nd, and 4th floor are available to reserve for use. Please contact Tiffany Mejia: to reserve a locker.